Desemnarea practicianului în insolvență în lumina prevederilor art. 45 alin. (1) lit. d) din Legea nr. 85/2014

Față de actualele evoluții ale practicii în materia insolvenței, este de prisos a aminti importanța rolului pe care îl deține practicianul în insolvență în cadrul procedurii. Astfel, mai ales din perspectiva prerogativei configurării, într-o primă fază, a masei credale, practicianul în insolvență desemnat provizoriu se înfățișează ca un adevărat „regizor” în faza inițială a procedurii, având…

Public procurement

In this area, I assisted clients regarding sophisticated and complex projects concerning the compliance with specific legislation or drafting a wide range of procedural documents. Also, our experience includes assisting and representing client in public procurements procedures, both in challenging the documents before the National Council for the Settlement of Appeals and before of the…

Labor and Employee benefits

The Law Office provides legal services in disputes regarding layoff measures, whether they were given by the employer for reasons related or not to the employee’s conduct. Also, we provide a wide range of legal services in this matter such as the conclusion and termination of labor agreements, detachments, delegations or business transfers, to employees’…

Banking and finance

Our expertise in this matter includes a wide range of legal services related to debt structuring, general lending, securities, asset finance, real estate finance, project finance, leasing, loan recovery and optimizing securities or debt restructuring. Also, in the past, I assisted and represented several banks in relation to consumers protection disputes.

Real estate and construction

Having in view the development of the Romanian market in this area, I have acquired significant experience in matters such as the negotiating and drafting construction contracts, lease contracts or in real estate transactions. Likewise, the Law Office has successfully represented its clients in disputes having as object real estate claims, hidden defects of buildings,…

Corporate & Commercial

Our Law Office provides comprehensive expertise both in the incorporation and functioning of companies and in issues concerning the negotiation and conclusion of commercial contracts, trying to find the best „tailored-made” solutions to our clients. Our experience includes acquisitions and dispositions in a wide range of industries, including those that are highly regulated.

Public procurement

Given the frequency of insolvency procedures of recent years, I have been involved in complex projects of preventive reconciliation, judicial reorganization and bankruptcy, providing legal assistance and representation in all stages of insolvency proceedings. In the past, I have been involved in numerous procedures aiming to the recovery of receivables and, as well, in procedures…

Dispute resolution

Having in consideration the experience acquired in this matter, this practice area could be considered the cornerstone of the establishment and of the activity of the Law Office. Depending on the specific circumstances of the case, our Law Office can provide you strategic and innovative approaches in order to obtain the best solution. Our experience…